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Installation / Setup
Create Monkerware Account
MonkerViewer Setup
MonkerSolver Setup
Windows / Linux / MacOS
The Basics
Preflop Charts in MonkerViewer
Loading Sims In MonkerSolver
Running Your First Sim
Exporting Ranges
Saving A Simulation
Tree Building
MonkerSolver 2.1.9 Syntax
Tree Settings and Config
Add Antes or Straddle
Create and Save Filters
Build a 6max NLH Tree
Build a 6max PLO Tree
Build a Limit Omaha-8 Tree
Build a Postflop Tree
Simulation Settings
Rake Settings
Avg Strategy / EV Settings
Abstraction Settings
Enable ICM
Scripting Postflop Sims
Creating Exploitative Strategy
Node Locking / Forced Frequencies
Lock Ranges for Card Removal
MonkerViewer .RNG Files
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